First, before my review, let me make my points that I've been saying this entire time since this movie was ORIGINALLY ANNOUNCED.
I think Marvel movies have jaded us a bit as to what we know Superhero Movies can be. This Man of Steel that we are seeing now, and the DC universe as a whole is definitely designed to be more of a real world, with REALISTIC REPERCUSSIONS universe. Granted we're actually seeing Marvel movies mimic that reality & repercussions of their actions path that Man of Steel & DC has created. Hence Civil War. Yes I understand Civil War is a story arc that has been around a while, all I'm saying is why now? Really it took 3 major events to have someone ask "Should we keep these Superheroes in check?". Yes, I am a DC guy sure BUT I am a Comic Book lover First and I love both Marvel & DC. For the Campy, slapstick Humor filled comic book movies where they always save everyone, I look forward to every Marvel movie that comes out.
Look, I totally get the angle from the average enthusiasts out there complaining that these are too dark etc BUT anyone who has read comics COMBINED with some of the Dark Novels which provide amazing, thought provoking material, understands where Warner Bros & DC is going with this and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT.
Superman, the Flash and then Batman have always been my top 3 comic book super heroes and although I love the Christopher Reeve Superman movies growing up, as I got older I always felt they were too slapstick and cartoonish which based on the Dark Novels out there, they don't have to be. There can be real, serious story telling associated with these and that's why I love what Snyder is doing with this entire universe. Also, I'm so excited because of what everyone is saying about Ben Affleck as Batman. Even some of the negative reviews I've read have praised him in this movie and in some cases, calling him The Definitive that says a lot. And having seen it now, I 100% agree. He is what Batman in my mind has always been. The build, the way he carries himself as Bruce Wayne (I never liked Christian Bale's Bruce Wayne), and it also helps that they went a little younger with Jeremy Irons as alfred, cause well, it's freaking Jeremy Irons.
To all the "Batman" enthusiasts saying he never kills, specifically in the movies....rewatch the movies. Just because he indirectly causes people to fall from bell towers or things to blow up that in return cause these people to perish doesn't mean he didn't do it, it just makes him passive and basically it's the difference between First Degree Murder & ya, easy with the negative words you're slinging out there. Oh, I'm talking to you Christopher Nolan/Christian Bale is god of all Batman movies people.......I LOVED those movies too, but he caused a LOT of death throughout those movies. Again, rewatch them. (Batman Begins specifically....he blew up the entire league of assassins......including the guy he refused to execute.......let that sink in) my review. I saw this the Saturday of opening weekend. It's taken me this long to digest and discuss, yes. Also because I've been trying to digest other reviews and other opinions. That said, overall as I expected, I LOVED THIS MOVIE.
TONS of action and something although simple, I absolutely loved. The opening of the movie is basically a human's ground level view of the fight from Man of Steel between Supes & Zod. It was such a unique (Horrifying) perspective to watch that battle & destruction unfold from that perspective (Specifically Bruce Wayne/Batman's perspective). Great way to open the movie and set the tone for the "Who is responsible and whose side is he on" debate that then ensues and leads into most of the arguments & fights that soon come.
From there, one of the biggest complaints I've heard is that the first half of the movie is too slow and dragged out but I actually enjoyed seeing these MAJOR DC Heroes out of costume & interacting with each other. Never before on the big screen have 2 of them been together, never mind THREE of them (Don't forget Wonder Woman....good lord)! All three interact in some way shape or form throughout the beginning half of the movie and it was great to see the human side of their interactions even though one of them is actually a normal human....(Sorry Bruce).
I also can slightly understand the complaints where some people felt stuff was just mashed together to create a story but having read most of the stories (Comics & Dark Novels) that they pulled from.....I LOVED IT. I think the feeling of not fully understanding or knowing entirely whats going on is intentional because the entire time I felt like there was something larger working behind the scenes manipulating and progressing the story the way they wanted it to and you're lead to believe it's Lex.....BUT I don't entirely believe that. For me that was confirmed with the dream sequence & then the Flash's warning that I'm sure everyone just assumed was a part of his dream but was in my opinion actual reality.
He warns that "You were right! Lois is the key!" and I don't think it's actually meant the way everyone thinks. I think deep down, Bruce/Batman is doubting his thoughts on Superman and that keeping him alive is Key for humanities survival and that was the Flash's attempt to break through time and provide some sort of warning.
From there things escalate quickly and intensely.
Bruce continues working towards his coming battle with Clark, Clark continues trying to figure out his place in the world, Diana is working behind the scenes trying to stay retired (yes you read that correctly) by finding some key files/photos that were taken by Lex for her and it all finally accumulates into the final act. Batman & Superman battle it out, Superman trying to reason with him while pleading and finally getting out that Lex has his mother held hostage and has less than 30 minutes to save her. Between the warnings from Flash and Lois interrupting the battle at a very good time, Bruce restrains from Killing Him and instantly decides to help him.
I've read here that it's too convenient that he just instantly changes his mind. Well first, remember the warning from the Flash, Second, a fellow Human throws herself in between the two battling and then finally she points out to Bruce why Clark just said Martha....
As Bruce gets angered by hearing his DECEASED MOTHERS NAME Lois informs him that it's Clark's mom's name too. (Side note, I've been reading/watching these stories for as long as I can remember and NEVER EVER had that DAWN on me, not once)
He immediately back pedals, maybe because he's thinking of his mom and the murder he was about to commit himself out of fear combined with the reality that Clark at the end of the day is a man, who loves, has friends and in this moment, most importantly, a mother who needs him.
At the same time Lois informs them something is happening at the crashed Kryptonian ship and Bruce immediately (because he knows he can't battle anything Kryptonian) tells Clark he'll go get his mom. Clark flys off to Lex and Batman goes to get Martha Kent.
Chaos then ensues. Batman goes through one of the best Batman fight scenes I think we've scene to date and suddenly in a heart beat Superman is battling a beast called Doomsday who is 2-3 times his size and as powerful. The battle ensues and Superman in an attempt to prevent further destruction pushes Doomsday way up into space and the US Military (Shocking) launches a Nuclear Missle at them. It explodes and Doomsday comes back to earth even more powerful because he gets stronger with every energy burst.
Superman finally rejoins Wonder Woman & Batman and we finally see ALL THREE LINED UP FOR BATTLE. The battle ensues and as Superman holding a kryptonite weapon made with intent to originally kill him flies with everything he has with the weapon and stabs Doomsday and before he can push the final killing blow, Doomsday stabs him in the chest with one of his spiked appendages. Superman while reeling from the wound thrusts one last time and finishes Doomsday. They both collapse to the ground and as Batman & Wonder Woman make it over to him, they realize he's sacrificed himself for the greater good. As Diana turns around to catch Lois, they all realize whats happened and the ensuing scenes are full of a mixed range of emotions from Bruce's regret for ever doubting Clark to the sadness of Lois & Clark's mom & their loss.
Finally seeing a Superman Death Story on the Big Screen was something that I've always wanted to see because there is SOOOO many emotions with that story arc. There was always something that didn't sit well with me in the comic version mainly because ALL of the Justice League fought Doomsday and Superman STILL DIED....never really understood that. That I think for me is one of the main reasons why I like where Snyder is taking this. The Justice League doesn't exist, there is only an inclination that there may be other Heroes/Meta Humans. With Superman out of the picture and sacrificing himself on a large stage for the world to see, now Batman with the files he stole from Lex and shared with Diana, will the way he presented it, in Clark's honor recruit all the known hero/meta humans to join them and form the team.
Understand for those not familiar with the comics, Superman isn't dead. His healing ability & alien DNA will react too differently to earth, the earths sun etc. You do catch a glimpse of this by some of the dirt that Lois had thrown onto his casket beginning to float off of his casket (probably due to the Anit-Gravity effects his body has on the earth).
Amazing end to a different kind of Comic Book movie. It excites me beyond belief to have this be the setup to the Justice League Movies and makes me look forward to all things DC starting with Suicide Squad this summer and Wonder Woman movie set to be released in June of 2017 (Justice League that November). If you want to know more about the DC Movie timeline in the future, either Google it or click here: line, I think a year later we'll look at this movie as a definitive piece of the now established DC Universe and I can't wait to see Wonder Woman (Which they just moved up the release date slightly!!!), Justice League 1 and everything else that is in the works. It's going to be an amazing time for these characters on the Big Screen!