Hello everyone! My name is Ryan Sheehy. I'm a 35 year old Husband, Father of two beautiful children and I'm on a life long journey of personal growth & betterment.
My personal history with mental health goes all the way back to my childhood. Some things my mom and/or dad knew about but most of it, not really.
Over the years I've been through some major things (Haven't we all) that when I look back, realize now how alone I was during it all.
Through it all I have personally learned to manage my feelings (good and bad) and continue to learn to grow. My driving force are two major focal points when I wake up every day. First, Be a better man and apply it to being a better Husband to my wife, a better father for my children and being a better person to the world around me.
NONE of this was overnight and most of it was learned while feeling very alone. My goal with this blog, even if it's just one person out there (maybe you!), to help other individuals who may be going through similar experiences. To help them awaken to the control they actually do have in their daily lives and to help them not feel so alone as they go through this journey.
I hope if you're reading this that you will find it helpful, insightful and eye opening as well.
The one thing I will leave you with is this...
You must make one promise to yourself, to be honest when taking a look at yourself. Truly and openly honest.
It's the only true way to build upon all of the lessons that surround you every day. They're there if you choose to embrace them and I hope you can find that awakening with the assistance of this blog.
(I would also like to add that this blog will focus heavily on Men & how mental health relates to them often, but not all the time. I do this because I feel that our gender as a whole has a lot of growing/learning to do and my hope is that if I can help even one guy out there find his true self, it'll pay dividends for them in life. Also, for the women out there reading, it'll show the perspective from a man's side that I'm sure at times is difficult to understand. Either way, whoever you are reading this, THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART.)
~Ryan E Sheehy