Blog Post


  • By Ryan Sheehy
  • 31 Dec, 2015

Some of these posts are going to be about random topics...


HOLY CRAP THE NEW STAR WARS WAS AWESOME! It was freaking released on my Birthday!!!! Thanks JJ!

So obviously if you haven't seen the movie by now....

***you should NOT....REPEAT.....SHOULD NOT CONTINUE reading this.....***

I think anyone that writes a negative review/take on this movie is simply trying to be someone to make a name for themselves and "Stand Out" from the crowd. Let's be honest, this movie is EXACTLY what we hoped for when the prequels came out. JJ revamped yet another franchise.

I'm not just being a positive, hopeful fanboy either. This movie was the holy grail of movie making. Exceptional writing, great acting, practical and modern special effects blended well together. I've read some complaints out there about the "Gaps" in the story and how they could have been explained better. Sure, they could have if this was the ONLY MOVIE BEING made.....which it is not. These are the same people who at the end of Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring probably said "Why would you end a movie like that?"......BECAUSE THERE'S TWO MORE AFTER THIS YOU........

Ok, I think I made my point. The movie is exceptional. I feel the writing was perfect for so many reasons but one specific main reason stands out to me. Google "Star Wars The Force Awakens" and you tell me how many Theory posts there are. hundreds if not thousands and the movie has literally been out for less than two weeks as I write this. THAT's why it was well done. EVERYONE is talking about it. Theorizing & discussing the possibilities.

What family does Rey belong to? (My own person theory, She's a Skywalker/Kenobi mix decent.....think about her force abilities/concentration)

Where does Finn come from? (Wouldn't be surprised if his last name is Calrissian)

Is there hope still left for Kyle Ren (BEN SOLO.....)? I think there is and that the only way they'll defeat Supreme Leader Snoke (Who I think is Darth Plagueis, a 7 to 8 foot tall being with extreme Force Abilities) is by Ben coming back to the light side and joining forces with Rey to defeat the Dark Lord.

Will we see Luke in serious action and perhaps actually speak in Episodes 8 & 9? Of course and anyone who doesn't appreciate what they're doing, doesn't really see the big picture. How can you introduce a bunch of new Characters (4+, 1 Main-Rey) and have the story TRULY focus on them while having a major Jedi Character who was the MAIN focus of the original trilogy? You can't. But Ryan, they had Han, Chewie, Leia etc. Yes but they are all supporting characters and aid in the Main characters story. In this case, the torch is being handed to Rey. Now that her story arch is setup with some great detail, the rest is there to be laid out while the ORIGINAL main character now comes into Focus.

I think it is phenomenal writing. It shows great thought and care going into a story that means so much to so many. SO MANY. JJ and his team took great care in this franchise and I just wish he was the one leading the way for the next two movies. That said, Rian Johnson (Looper) is a great director & artist from the small samples that I've seen. He's also discussed how he is (Like JJ) a huge fan of these movies/stories. Combine that with JJ remaining on as an Executive Producer, you know he'll be involved moving forward and Johnson would be smart to seek his input/feedback as much as possible while putting his touch to this amazing story line.

I'm looking forward to everything Star Wars coming our way. December 2016 (thank you for the ongoing Birthday gives JJ & really shouldn't have) will bring Rogue One: A Star Wars Story will be released. And that excites me. While watching any of these movies I've always thought to myself "What about that character? What is there back story? Where have they been and what have they seen/experienced?" and that's exactly what Disney asked when they bought Lucas Arts & Star Wars for BILLIONS......and most importantly, thats what they're going to explore. All the Odd years will see the Main Story Arch (2015=The Force Awakens, 2017=Episode 8, 2019=Episode 9) and all the even years will see some sort of "A Star Wars Story" movie (December 16th 2016=Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, May 25th 2018-Star Wars Anthology: Han Solo and so on).

There is the Han Solo project already in the works. I've read rumors about a potential to bring back Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan and do his story arch justice (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE). I think not only the character but also Ewan McGregor (who I think was the perfect casting for the character) deserve another opportunity for this story to be told and WOULD LOVE it if they did this. There are also rumors for 2020 to see another Anthology movie based on Boba Fett.

So the bottom line is, JJ has set the tone. A VERY high standard for many (This has quickly become the fan favorite Star Wars movie for many including myself) and that should give us hope because every director moving forward will be pushed to that standard by default with the backing of a Studio like we are in for a lot of enjoyment in the future.

Wow, I made it through this without any major spoilers like Hans death or Luke only being at the very end and not speaking any lines.......

OOPS....I told ya not to read this if you haven't seen it.....

As always, thank you taking the time to read this, I greatly appreciate it!
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