Throughout our lives, we have these moments when we confide in others. We try to open our hearts and vulnerability to others. Or we attempt to but for some, we feel we never REALLY have people listen to us. In many cases we just get our feelings buried and pushed aside.
Now look, I'm not looking for a pity party here so if you're reading this and already rolling your eyes (that's fine, you're allowed your opinion). But as I've learned, SO AM I, try to hold on for a bit.
The reality is WE ALL (whether it be one moment or many) have all needed someone to lean on. Someone to feel like they're listening WITHOUT judgement. To just be able to voice their story to. Even you eye rollers I bet at one point or another have gone through something major in your life that you've needed someone to lean on in one way or another.
A lot of this will tie closely to my parents in ways that I've only recently discovered in other ways that I now realize I've known all along. More on that later.
The point of this blog post today is to openly get us talking. To help us all (But specifically the Men...YES YOU) to understand that Mental Health in ANY form is not something to be ashamed of. It's not a selfish thing in any way shape or form. The selfish comment applies to many aspects of this topic which will be discussed more in depth at a later date.
The point of this first post is to simply get it out in the open. Mental Health (Good & Bad) is real. It is exists. It isn't a dirty little topic that shouldn't be discussed. It needs to be out in the open & embraced.
More importantly gentleman every where (and I use that term loosely), WAKE UP. Keeping your feelings buried down deep doesn't make you tougher and any more of a man than me. It doesn't MAKE YOU A MAN.....
THINK FOR YOURSELF. Think about it for a second, who told you all of those things? Early generations of "men"? I'm not saying these people weren't men and more importantly role models to us. Two of THE biggest role models for me growing up were my Grandfathers.
BUT previous generations before clearly have an underlying problem. Somehow keeping feelings/thoughts buried makes you the man you are along with trying to take the weight of the world on your shoulders.
I'm calling BS....with so much at our finger tips today from social media, real time news (pick your poison, there's plenty), it's too much for our mental health when down to handle. It just magnifies our thoughts 100 fold and then individuals just start to pop.
Beyond marriages, how is it good us to bottle everything up and never really be able to express ourselves for ANY of our relationships. With our parents, siblings, close family, friends, future partners & spouses and in my mind, most importantly...
Our children. How can we break this cycle? That is THE question that YOU should be asking. Look, I'm not a mental health expert in anyway. I am MY personal life expert though and with proper guidance and coaching have realized a number of things that I have already known about myself or am now realizing.
The first major one was the choice I apparently made decades ago to break the cycle. I decided that I wanted to walk a different path when it came to me, my feelings and expressing them. Believe me the choice wasn't without it's consequences.
Rejection, ridicule & and much more. But here I am today living a life that isn't perfect in any way, which makes it perfect for me in every way.
So if you dare to continue on this journey with me (Women & Men, but specifically you "gentlemen") of self discovery & personal growth, I can promise you one thing.
You'll final be more awake than you've ever been in your life. From there, the rest will be up to you.